The book is blessed in Peru

“Great Spirit, Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father God, Sacred elementals, beloved nature, sisters and brothers my blessing for us all May you open your heart and open your mind to feel and receive God’s love and presence throughout this book that is revealing universal principles for an enlightened LIFE for you for us all!”


My sacred divine Mamma Agustina and My sacred divine sister Elizabeth anchoring the energy vortexes for The Ultimate Experience in Chandler Arizona all the way from Cusco Peru, The center of The Universe according Ancient Beings. 

My Mamma forever teaching me about pure Unconditonal Love, sacred commitment, elevated integrity. 

They both do not speak English. 

We speak our native language from the heart Quechua.

LISTEN for Mammas special prayer in Quechua as The Ultimate Experience Facebook Live is being streamed. 

Mamma reveres The Book of Being entitled The Ultimate Coach, in her heartfelt, spirited prayer and message for the Planet in the video below.

“Great Spirit, Jesus Christ, Heavenly Father God, Sacred elementals, beloved nature, sisters and brothers my blessing for us all May you open your heart and open your mind to feel and receive God’s love and presence throughout this book that is revealing universal principles for an enlightened LIFE for you for us all!”

Steve Hardison

Amy Hardison

Alan D Thompson

Las amo tanto con todo mi corazón mamita sagrada de mi corazón Agustina y hermana divina de mi corazón. Elizabeth Puma Sallo

I am The Lightening Of Hope.

We are being so blessed.

Loving you.GLPS/TLOH
